About playing and learning outside - I love Dr. Nicole Ardoin's article about research on adolescents and immersive outdoor experiences. It's great to read about the positive improvements in mental health. I wonder if the researchers look at variation in individuals' time outdoors during their early years and/or in out-of-school time? I also wonder if the adolescents' concern for protection of the natural world increases after participating in immersive outdoor experiences? (This could of course lead to worry about the negative impact of global warming—maybe a negative impact on mental health in the short term but a net benefit to the world in having more people committed to preservation and action.)

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I remember learning piano as a kid using the Suzuki method!

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This is one of my favorite issues! So meaty - and so timely. My son called me about a month ago to tell me about how this new tech would make writing obsolete. As an educator my head hurt thinking about that. Here we are just 4 weeks later and chatGPT is headline news. We can't keep up! But, this issue is really great! Happy Holidays, Isabelle!

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Love this issue as a person who played an instrument all during my own childhood, had two kids that benefited from early musical training and now a grandchild who is very interested. So wonderful to hear the research supporting the connection with brain development and later academic success.

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