Thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting my day with light and hope. Bless you, Isabelle.

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Thanks, Michael.

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Thank you for your excellent, rich, and varied newsletters. Regarding your Edsurge article on the three-headed crisis, I agree that rising mental health issues and lower empathy are both concerning trends. With creativity during the pandemic, I feel that children got to see parents and teachers get creative out of necessity during remote learning and got to witness start-up style iterations based on what worked and didn't. I'm looking forward to listening to your podcast recommendation, "No one is coming to save us" - love anything done with a sense of humor, especially when the topics are heavy! Lastly, I appreciated seeing "On Children" by Kahlil Gibran - it's one of my favorites and a great reminder for me.

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Thanks for the terrific feedback, Aparna, and for reading Small Talks. On creativity, it is such a great point you are making. Crises generate creativity, and we have seen it from educators, families and children themselves in so many places. My concern is the negative effect of lesser social play during the pandemic, and the need to now foster play, imagination, and divergent thinking in young children.

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I really appreciate your newsletter. One of the New Yorker art submissions struck me deeply. It was the very last one - I almost didn't click that far. But for some reason this one hit so hard that I started crying: https://twitter.com/tropical_toxic/status/1385704742903586817/photo/1 . I didn't even fully comprehend how deep the sense of loss has been from this past year. Thank you for helping bring that to the surface - I think it's an early step in beginning to heal.

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Thank you, Theresa, for the wonderful message, and sharing. Those beautiful art pieces also hit a chord for me.

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