Congrats on 50! And thank you for reminding us of Gabor Mate's great work on trauma.

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Thanks, Kate. Gabor Mate, Bruce Perry, Jack Shonkoff, Nadine Burke Harris, and many others are doing such important work in translating the scientific knowledge on trauma, and trauma-sensitive / trauma-informed learning environments. I also admire the impactful work of the Lourie Center in Maryland. The work on framing the positive *counter* to trauma through early relational health, led by David Willis, and now endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics is also critical.

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Congratulations on your 50th edition! I enjoy reading this each week.

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Thanks, Chrisanne, for the delightful message, and for all you do at Trust for Learning on framing ideal learning environments, and centering equity and play.

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This is always a bright spot in my inbox. Thank you. <3

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Thank you, Kristi, for the wonderful words.

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Thanks for your dedication. I can't wait to read the next 50!

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Thanks, Devin!

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