I just want to thank you for the thought and care you put into this newsletter. I'm on a lot of mailing lists, but this is the only newsletter I open every week without fail and read top to bottom. It's uplifting and informative. Really appreciate it!
Thank you, Isabelle, for pointing to the Podcast with Marc Andreessen talking about the system of schooling that's "been on autopilot for 100 years." He said people working on school reform are well-meaning, but it won't work. This is the conclusion John Holt came to in the 1970s... he inspired many homeschoolers (including me). I read Holt's "Teach Your Own" and "How Children Learn" (there's an updated 50th anniversary edition).
Andressen talks about the need to build a new system.... and says "there used to be a homeschool network" (???) He has a six year old... and he has lots to learn about homeschooling (there is no one way to homeschool / unschoool / self-directed learning. And there are networks of parents helping other parents all over the country (they differ in outlook, religious / nonreligious, etc.). One I've been a member of, The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers, struggles to pay basic costs of internet, some admin help, etc.
Parents who are experienced have been giving their time to encourage "new" parents for decades (I did plenty of that myself in the 1990s, editing and mailing a newsletter to the 30 or so families in our network and also offering info sessions at the library for parents who were considering homeschooling).
Catherine: Thanks for your note, the resources you shared, and all your work supporting other parents. Marc Andreessen’s A16z fund posted this blog on their strategy in 2020. https://a16z.com/2020/10/16/next-gen-edtech/
They are forecasting more demand from parents and small group instruction/pods. They have not invested much in education though, except for Wonderschool in child care.
I just want to thank you for the thought and care you put into this newsletter. I'm on a lot of mailing lists, but this is the only newsletter I open every week without fail and read top to bottom. It's uplifting and informative. Really appreciate it!
Thanks for the delightful message, Theresa. It means a lot coming from you.
Thank you, Isabelle, for pointing to the Podcast with Marc Andreessen talking about the system of schooling that's "been on autopilot for 100 years." He said people working on school reform are well-meaning, but it won't work. This is the conclusion John Holt came to in the 1970s... he inspired many homeschoolers (including me). I read Holt's "Teach Your Own" and "How Children Learn" (there's an updated 50th anniversary edition).
Andressen talks about the need to build a new system.... and says "there used to be a homeschool network" (???) He has a six year old... and he has lots to learn about homeschooling (there is no one way to homeschool / unschoool / self-directed learning. And there are networks of parents helping other parents all over the country (they differ in outlook, religious / nonreligious, etc.). One I've been a member of, The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers, struggles to pay basic costs of internet, some admin help, etc.
Parents who are experienced have been giving their time to encourage "new" parents for decades (I did plenty of that myself in the 1990s, editing and mailing a newsletter to the 30 or so families in our network and also offering info sessions at the library for parents who were considering homeschooling).
I think Marc Andreessen is ready to learn more... hope he finds his way to the great resources that our out here. Family and Home Network offers a list of some resources on our website: https://familyandhome.org/resources/education-and-activities-big-picture
Catherine: Thanks for your note, the resources you shared, and all your work supporting other parents. Marc Andreessen’s A16z fund posted this blog on their strategy in 2020. https://a16z.com/2020/10/16/next-gen-edtech/
They are forecasting more demand from parents and small group instruction/pods. They have not invested much in education though, except for Wonderschool in child care.
Sending you warmest regards, Isabelle
Is there a recording of your presentation, Isabelle?
Unfortunately, I don't have a recording. Please stay well, Devin.