Isabelle, thank you for another very thoughtful newsletter. I was curious if you had thoughts about Dr. Suskind's word gap research and work with respect to issues of race, culture, and equity. This 2020 article by Conor Williams (https://www.edutopia.org/article/new-research-ignites-debate-30-million-word-gap) is one of the articles I had in my mind when I read what you wrote here today. I imagine some of these questions and concerns Conor touches on have only magnified as systems are being more intentional about DEI and equity more recently. I look forward to reading the "Parent Nation" book this spring as these issues may be covered more directly than they have been in the past, but, honestly, I'm somewhat surprised to see the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading make the word gap alone a point of emphasis in this way. Curious for your thoughts!

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Thanks for the terrific comment, Mike. Anya Kamenetz at NPR also had a great piece on this topic in 2018, which had shifted my thinking at the time - https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/06/01/615188051/lets-stop-talking-about-the-30-million-word-gap.

A few thoughts:

(1) to clarify, I believe that the Parent Nation effort with The Campaign is not focused on the 30 million gap, but is rather a broader initiative to rally parents in communities around their specific local needs for parenting supports.

(2) on the “30 million gap”, my key takeaway is that it had positive ramifications in spurring policy and practice efforts on language; however, the focus on the word “deficit” and the major DEI issues in the initial composition of the small sample reinforced stereotypes on race and poverty.

We have long ways to go on equity in research (and many other fields). I am inspired by recent efforts such as this one on another famous early childhood study. https://www.ednc.org/2021-10-22-north-carolina-early-childhood-abecedarian-study-intervention-race-racism-research/

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Thanks for all the interesting info, Isabelle! It's great to see that you're reading about the Sudbury School.

In the 1980s I was inspired by "Teach Your Own" by John Holt (along with "How Children Learn"). In case you're interested and don't already know about this, there's an expanded/updated edition: "Teach Your Own: The Indispensable Guide to Living and Learning with Children at Home" by John Holt and Pat Farenga.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thanks, Catherine. Happy Thanksgiving.🍁

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