Welcome to the 102nd edition of Small Talks. Every Friday, I highlight 6 areas of weekly joys and reflections in early childhood and the whole family. Small Talks leverages my experience at the intersection of education, philanthropy, and impact investing. Enjoy!
What I’m celebrating -
Grateful to have spent a few days in beautiful Aspen, Colorado, with Ascend at the Aspen Institute, reflecting on two-generation approaches (bonus: caught a double rainbow, the first snow of the season, and even tried bird watching…).
This week is dedicated to 2-gen approaches.
Did you know?
A mother with a college degree increases her child's high school graduation odds by 50%.
Parental mental health interventions reduce children's behavioral problems by up to 40%.
Families in 2Gen programs see two times faster increases in income compared to those in single-gen programs.
Children are 15% more likely to pursue higher education if their parents are involved in workforce training.
Families in 2Gen programs stay engaged 60% longer when trust-based relationships are emphasized.
2Gen programs designed for immigrant families boost bilingual literacy by 20-30% across generations.
Affordable childcare increases maternal employment by 13%, creating dual-generation benefits.
Only 5% of public programs effectively integrate services for both children and parents.
85% of low-income families rely on smartphones for education and mental health resources, making tech integration a 2Gen game-changer.
Some hope:
Some inspiring 2-gen school models:
Briya PCS, a public charter school in Washington DC, offers preschool and adult classes on the same campus.
Jeremiah Program provides mothers with support in higher education, career development, and leadership training while ensuring their children have access to high-quality early childhood education. The program also offers affordable housing and a supportive community environment, helping families achieve long-term economic mobility and stability.
Generation Hope empowers young parents, particularly teen mothers and fathers, to complete their college education while also providing early childhood support for their children. This two-generation (2Gen) model addresses the interconnected challenges of student parents, offering them opportunities to achieve economic mobility and break cycles of poverty.
Valley Settlement in Colorado brings early childhood education and 2-gen programming to Latino immigrant families in buses, El Busesito Preschool.
New 2-gen partnerships are emerging such as community college-HeadStart partnerships. See more here.
What I’m listening to -
1 in 5 podcast vividly profiles students who are parents pursuing their education while raising a family and working. Today, more than one in five college students (22%) are parents.
What I’m reading -
I had previously recommended this beautiful autobiography Pregnant Girl: A Story of Teen Motherhood, College, and Creating a Better Future for Young Families, by Nicole Lynn Lewis.
What I’m watching -
“Raising Up: A Student Parent" celebrates the resilience of parenting students, highlighting how their determination to succeed in higher education shapes not only their own futures but also creates generational impact. This five-part documentary underscores the profound message that when we uplift student parents, we uplift entire families and communities, offering a blueprint for breaking systemic barriers and inspiring change. Full playlist here.
A quote and a poem I’m pondering -
“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."
– Jane Howard
Feedback is a gift. Which part above is your favorite? What did I miss? What do you want more or less of? Other recommendations? Please kindly let me know. Thank to all of you who are sending me amazing suggestions.
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Have a wonderful week. Please stay safe and care for each other.